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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Define Busy

Can it get any busier. I get to work. I have so many projects on my board. And everyone is buzzing about a vendor spending till late last night pulling patterns and cuddle fabric for me to add to this schedule board. I even hear it from Julie. Get ready Pauline. Now cuddle fabric is not necessarily difficult to work with other than it does have a nap. It is just that it is messy because it sheds hhhhorrrriiibbbllllyy. Finally Julie comes in to my sewing area pushing a metal cart with maybe 12, not 3 or 4, but twelve projects for me to work up. OH MY GOD!!!! At the same time, I find out at 2:20pm from a manager with an attitude, that I have to work in the pattern department at 2:00pm. I am completely thrown off balance. I am looking at this manager going "Am I the only employee who can listen to a customer say "I want McCall's 2943" and can open that drawer and give the customer McCall's 2-9-4-3????? What a waste of time. Do you honestly really need me to work that department and why am I finding out about it 20 minutes after I am supposed to be there? So, after convincing them that it was not a good idea to put me there, I ended up only having to spend an hour and a half in the department late in the afternoon which was OK with me because I had 4 bolts of fabric that I had to pick patterns for and I used that time to come up with ideas for these fabrics. And I will talk about these four projects when I post the pictures at a later date.

God I love my job.


  1. this place that employs you should take a long hard look at the diamond that they have and elevate you to your space and leave you the hell alone so that you can create your beauty for them. Patterns? WTF? Well, as usual, you found a way to make it a productive event. Good for you.

  2. Well, there is always a way to produce, even in the desert. But I don't want them to know that. But I am tired. So very tired.
